Building a vision to free our people

A 2050 Vision for the World We Want


This site will introduce you to the Rising Majority’s current project, which involves developing a vision of the world we’d like to live in by 2050.


  1. Our journey to now: The Rising Majority’s origin story

  2. Our communities face worsening and converging crises.

  3. Not taking action now risks us losing the opportunity to create a world we want to live in.

  4. A look at the world we are working to build for 2050 and beyond.



The Rising Majority: Our Origin Story

Our journey to now.

After the 2016 Election

The Movement for Black Lives saw the need to bring together different social movement organizations to work towards the common goal of fighting neoliberalism and the threat of fascism.

2017–Birth of The Rising Majority

Our multiracial network of organizations serves communities across the United States and covers a wide range of issue areas. We are committed to amplifying our collective power and inspiring the US Left and progressive formations to work together towards greater unity, a clearer vision, and a shared strategy.

Building the Vision to Free Our People

For the past two years, our organizations have worked together to develop a vision toward the year 2050 and a strategy that will make this vision possible. We are excited to share our vision with you here on this site.


Our World is in a Dangerous Time

We are facing an increasing number of problems concerning the environment, economy, and democracy, all of which are worsening at once.

Climate Change

One of the biggest challenges we currently face is climate change which affects all of us, but hurts marginalized communities the most.


Prices for things like housing and food to go up, making it even harder for people in our communities to get by.This has led to record levels of household and corporate debt.

Economic Crisis

Since 2018, the conditions facing working class people have only worsened, in part due to a growing gig economy that produces insecure jobs.Many people have had to take on multiple jobs or rely on credit cards to survive.


The US continues to struggle with issues of racism, sexism, and homophobia.The US has a long history of valuing white, wealthy men above all else, which has led to violence and discrimination against people of color, women, and LGBTQIA+ individuals.


A Dystopian Future without Action

Not taking action now risks us losing the opportunity to create a world we want to live in.

If we do not act

Militarism will have grown intensifying conflicts between nations.

If we do not act

Global democracy will be deeply threatened.

If we do not act

Policing and the prison system will have grown.

If we do not act

Economic conditions will be even more dire for most people in the United States.

If we do not act
the world will be a more dangerous and less equitable place.

LGBTQ+ immigrants and other populations will be under further threat.


Our Vision: A Future with Action

By 2050, we hope to have made big changes to how resources are shared, how we govern, and how we treat each other and the planet. All people deserve a world that is fair and just. We know this will take a long time, that there will be problems and contradictions along the way, and that the world won't be perfect by 2050. Even so, we believe that large changes are possible in the next 25 years. The following are some ideas about what we are ultimately working toward, and what we hope to accomplish by 2050.

We will act
toward a regenerative economy

By 2050, we want a better economic system where everyone’s needs are met, that values wellbeing over profits, and plans for the needs of future generations.

We will act
toward climate justice

By 2050, we want a future where we don’t have to worry about the Earth getting too hot or other aspects of climate change. This future will be possible because we will have created an economy and way of life that respects nature and is in harmony with it instead of taking from it.

We will act
toward radical democracy

We want to change our government so that people can make decisions about their lives and resources through democratic processes that include everyone, especially those who have been historically left out.

We will act
toward abolition

We want a fair and equitable society where people's human rights are protected and communities are empowered to take care of their own safety and well-being.

We will act
toward a global community
beyond borders

By 2050, we will work in solidarity with social movements to build a global community that works together for the benefit of all people and the planet without the limitations of national borders.

We will act
toward the creation
of a new culture

By 2050, we want to create a society where a collective identity exists and is rooted in care, solidarity, and celebration of our differences as well as commonalities across gender, race, culture, geographies, and other aspects of identity.

In Summary

Our vision is that by 2050, people from all over the world will work together collectively to make things better for all people. We know the power of an organized people with clear vision, rooted in powerful love and a commitment to usher in a new world.

Together we believe another world is possible and necessary, and we are taking up that political task by working together, side by side, building a movement of movements and centering a vision and strategy that are rooted in political imagination, the needs of our people and the planet, and the belief that we can, will, and must win.

We believe that the future is not set in stone, and the multi-racial working class in the US must build our power to actualize a vision of the future that reflects what people and the planet need.

It's up to us to Decide

We have the opportunity now to make things better for generations to come. If you’re ready to be part of this brighter future, please add your contact information here and we will be in touch soon!